Sunday, May 30, 2010

Poetry Mediators

The art of Giro Naito

An old saying of the remote tribe Aruahu states that every time two migrating Universes collide a poetry mediator is born and life makes another small step towards the Blissful Healing Ideal. This happens every four or five light cycles and sometimes more often when the density of the migration events is higher due to a decrease of commercials on the local entertainment stations.

Aruahu are a small group of initiated synaestezists, from the Equatorial Urihe land, on the continuous day side of Adelda. Do not bother looking for it for there is no map for this place. Adelda is a small obscure planet gravitating snugly around a yellow dwarf with an unpronounceable name, The saying was translated by accident on Google when Floyd Bauer a fifth grade student from Toledo, Illinois, trying to make a practical joke typed some random letters into his girlfriend computer pretending it was in Urdu. So going back to our line of thought it is fair to say that the poetry mediators are a rare breed and at the same time are vital for the uninterrupted presence of life in the Endless Continuum. They are considered so special for simple reasons like being the only ones capable of mitigating the differences between something like the iambic pentametric rhythm of the life forms from Universe XV and the hexametric way of thinking of the hermeneutic creatures from Universe N XXI. Secret worshipers of Dark Matter, they go beyond appearances to work with a lexicon of signs codifying the fabric of our Universe. They are the highly skilled resonance seekers, this most perceptible residue born in the wake of the intersection of traveling Universes. That is where the Mediators are capturing the poetical echo – the essential memory of their spiritual birth place.

This apocrifa story has a few comparable cases in our own Universe. In one of them, Giro Naito, is performing the sacred connecting rituals in a remote village named Kaida, Nagano prefecture near the dormant Ontake volcano. His work relies on a handful of simple materials - metallic plates, wires, screws, twigs, paper and an occasional touch of paint. The magic begins when they come together under his skillful guidance. It is as if subatomic particles join in asanas defying conventional physics. Squares, triangles, rectangles mingle in tensions that makes stillness look like frozen velocity. Star wind gazers, planetary sextants, galactic gyroscopes are Naito's instruments to read the Multiverse movements. His plates collect the undetectable music of primordial radiation, the staccato of sudden meteorite showers bound together by metallic threads spun from a celestial web. Confined mostly to the walls his esoteric stills are eluding common genre definitions seeming reconstitutions of exquisite performance instruments for a virtuoso of silence. They exist in a world of their own, mapping the journeys of an artist's mind. From his domed observatory in Kaida, Giro Naito is watching patiently the rhythms of the skies always ready to capture another moment of poetry.

Nicholas Veg

June 2010, New York

To veiew Giro Naito's works visit:

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