Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Shrine of Hronim

                                        Fragmednt of the installation "The Shrine of Hronim" by Sasha Meret

The Shrine of Hronim - The Time Particle
(an alternative history)

Welcome to The Shrine of Hronim - The Time Particle, a space for worshiping Creative Time!
The year is still 2013, but it is the Age of Hronim - The Time Particle, a place from the realm of Platonia, home of all the other possible realities.
In this time-line The Mongol Empire flourished to a total global expansion continuing Genghis Khan's unprecedentedly brutal but surprisingly progressive social policies. The split from our timeline happens in 1258 when at the siege of Baghdad  the Caliph Al-Musta'sim  accepts the terms of surrender demanded by the Great Khan Mongke.This way the great libraries of the Caliphate including the famous House of Wisdom survive the Mongol conquest and the highly sophisticated Abbasid civilisation is absorbed more or less peacefully into the Mongol global empire. Applying efficient meritocracy, forbidding any manifestation of nationalism or institutionalized religion and encouraging advanced creative thinking brings the people of the Global empire into a higher state of mind with a strong emphasis on positive pragmatism. In a few generations the Mongol rulers were assimilated and any form of individual creativity is channeled  into activities that augment the quality of life. With the elimination of the major causes of conflict the competitiveness and aggressiveness of the human nature is expressed primarily in poetry, visual arts, music and encouragement of scientific research. Based of the knowledge accumulated in the libraries of the Caliphate the research branches of genetics and theoretical physics make spectacular advances. The Philosophical studies are are primarily preoccupied with perception of reality and defining the concept of time.

 Religious thinking is free but confined to the privacy of one's home.
The dominant individual practice is The Cult of Hronim -The Time Particle, a derivative form of Buddhism  and early Gnosticism
The focus of the cult is the worship of the multiple aspects of Hronim - the Time Divinity manifested predominantly through  the relentless metamorphosis of Fashion.
Time is divided in Positive(Creative) Time and Negative Time (everything else). 
Keeping a Positive Time balance is draconically enforced. There is an IRS type of institution that audits periodically the citizens of the Global empire.  Fashion becomes the most popular creative practice for keeping  Positive Time balance sheets and wearable art is  the main form of courtship.

Hroni-Mongol early Mythology :
The Legend of Hronim (fragment)

Before anything else there was the Ocean. It was everywhere and nowhere because there where no names or anything . Then there was this feeling of something, of somthing just the same but separate.  That feeling  created the first wave - yes, Wave that is how Aquim named it, because being something it needed a name to separate it from himself. And then is when the Ocean realized that it had a name - yes, Aquim! Aquim! Where did it come from?... and why? Then the first memory just popped up - the Other! That first feeling! The Other just the same but separate. And every new thought created a new wave. And waves got bigger and more frequent and with every wave Aquim felt that it was diminishing which meant the it wasn't endless anymore . And every wave it counted was unforgettable and had a name.
...and then after the last wave, there was no more Ocean - just The Steppe and no more Aquim. But the Steppe wasn't just a name and it wasn't empty at all.  All the counted waves where still there with all their remembered names - and it was the Other Ocean all over again. And its name was Hronim.

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