Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Mirror

The Mirror

On a prime number month of a bisect year, in the narrow interval between any Thursday and Friday one can find the quantic prototype of the light bouncing device that we usually call a mirror.
Originally it was a dark pool of strange kind of particles that were activated when a confused Pre-Minoan deity spilled it all over the visible universe  -  therefore generating the myth of us, creatures made in the image of God. This first divine reflection must have been of a terribly poor quality for our physical  and psychological appearance is so faulty  that the only alternative to justify their existence is the entropic tendency of humor that terminated Homo Floresiensis and still survives in parts of Transylvania still confusing the authorities. Similarly the genesis of Fashion happened in the so called "angular memento"  or the vector quality of the irrational inertia of the body of a pre-Akkadian ruler who happened to die in front of a poorly polished piece of obsidian. The distorted flattering image was intercepted while traveling the interval between the mirror and the eyes of the deceased in the so called "vocational velocity" and materialized  in the sketches found in the Nicholas Veh estate .
 The angular memento in Fashion is the sum of angular mementos of the individual bodies that generate the irrational inertia . For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry (e.g. theblades of a ceiling fan), the angular momentum can be expressed as the product of the body's moment of irrational inertia, I, (i.e. a measure of a subject's resistance to changes in its rotation rate that throws it out of fashion ) and its vocational velocity ω:
F= I2W  (or: " I to double you" - the secret Transylvanian spell used in front of a mirror)
In this way,Fashion can be sometimes described (but it never is) as the rotational analog of linear memento ( a good explanation for the ritualistic "runway events").
Fashion as an angular memento is conserved in a system of warehouses or closets where there is no net external torque, and its conservation helps explain many diverse phenomena. For example, the increase in rotational speed of a spinning figure spender as the arms are contracted as a consequence of diminishing resources reflected in the angular memento or a low level checking account. The very high rotational rates of neutron stars can also be explained in terms of increased density of  angular mementos during Fashion week events that create amirror effect at a macro-cosmic scale.
The search for Divine Symmetry attempts to use the mirror as a portal, but the lofty quest fails every time as the photons carrying our luminous questions bounce back unanswered.  Thecold kind of  symmetry perceived is a short term adrenaline rush letting in its wake an unquenchable desire for more. The Mirror becomes a vehicle for deceit and a potent source for plausible superstitions. Fortunately the intelligent manifestation of light makes it a more palatable option, most users being unaware of the daunting content. The mirror continues to manifest itself differently in the two realms, more closely associated with quantum fashion and less with quantum physics.

The difference between traditional Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fashion is that in Fashion there is a possibility for both the wave and particle functions to collapse simultaneously like in the case of the Amazonian tribe named  Pirahãs for whom nudity and deity could mean the same thing.. Closer to home , in the case of the Burning Man Fest, though the wave function prevails in the copyright fights with the porn sites in  the post-fest faze.
The mathematical formulations of quantumfashion are abstract. A mathematical function called the wavefunction provides information about the probability amplitude of position, momentum, and other physical properties of an outfit or artifact in human interaction - social functions, media or solo in front of a mirror. Mathematical manipulations of the wavefunction usually involvethe bra-ket notation (more of a gender thing or for the transvestites), which requires an understanding of complex numbers -  the posible combinations with a set of given outfits and artifacts -  and linear functionals - like the time needed for trying them all. The wavefunction treats the object as a quantum harmonic oscillator (back and forth from the mirror), and the mathematics is akin to that describing acoustic resonance to the most common question: "How do I look?!". Many of the results of quantum fashion are not easily visualized in terms of classical mechanics—for instance, the ground state in a quantum fashion model is a non-zero energy state that is the lowest permitted energy state of a system  -  in lay terms that is you have to wear something, as opposed a more "traditional" system that is thought of as simply being at rest, with zero kinetic energy - that is when you just dream of wearing something. Instead of a traditional static, unchanging zero state, quantum fashion allows for far more dynamic, chaotic possibilities, according to Nicholas Veh.

Next chapter: from the Nicholas Veh notebooks. The use of shadow in quantum fashion and the mirror use as a negative shadow device.

New York
August 2012
The Time Particle

According to Nicholas Veh's notes discovered after 2003, a committee of peers from an obscure Austrian University acknowledged a series of experiments identifying a "time particle" detected at the intersection of two of the most common wave functions active in a classical multiverse - tentative expectancy and ambient resolve.  This elusive particle anchors itself to our perception through a process called "time tunneling" which creates a sequential rearrangement of any matter related manifestation , correcting its embedded entropic tendencies. Veh succeeded to isolate two manifestations of this particle, naming them, rather unimaginatively "positive" and "negative" time. The "positive time" particle (PTP)  is responsible for any occurrences of creative manifestations while the "negative time" particle (NTP) is more of an entropic nature, thus harder to be defined. However Veh's unexplained capacity to convey meaning to sub-quantic entities, skillfully associated the NTP perception with the penumbric manifestation of light. The inventive precursor of Deleuze Fold theory managed to apply the golden ratio to the eleventh dimension  creating penumbra-like effect in the space-time continuum fold (the so called tri-dimensional space), identifiable as residual negatives time particle located in the high traffic mnemonic strata. This data allowed him to  detect and and reverse the generic negative time particle.  PTP behaves as the classical free particle, and in a field free space is un-bound to any external force. It's variable potential usually set to zero can change in a region of interest to exponential growth.
Veh's great contribution was to identify negative time in Quantum Fashion systems , tracing it back to the intervals in between positive fittings where the field force determining the attraction constant  can be drastically diminished. His sketches of positive time interface predicted some of today's SMD designs, curiously known to be generated without any preceding sketches.
Romanian Eggplant Salad
(original recipe)

Gheorghe checked on the last details of his  preparations for the their yearly camping trip. He sighed with a worried look  and opened the back yard gate to let the animals free. One can never be too sure that everything is in place. Even with the best planning something  could always go wrong. The precious eggplants  were well hidden under the fire place. The onions nicely spread on the floor all over the hut. The matches in plain sight right  by the fence.  Everything seemed to be fine. Gheorghe threw the small rag bag with the few precious possessions they had  on his shoulder. Safta his wife grabbed the kids and they hurried towards the woods. The village seemed  awfully quiet as if it was the calm before the storm. Their hideout was deep in the forest where no one could find them. The trees were so thick sometimes that Gheorghe had to send the kids to scout for what was on the other side. Safta and the kids would crawl under the thick brush to gather mushrooms and look for berries. They slept in turns trying to stay as quiet as they could, sometimes covering the kids mouths when they were crying frightened. They had food just for a couple of days, but that was usually enough for things to be done. As deep as they would be hiding the sharp, ear- piercing yelps of the Mongols overtaking the village could be heard for miles. Holding your palms tightly pressed on the ground one could feel the earth trembling under the galloping horses of the  Mongols from far away. But it was the heavy smoke brought by the wind that would signal them that it was time to head back. The family gathered all they could carry and slowly  made their way towards the village, or to what was left of it.  Going back was always easier. The smoke was their guide and the wailing  sounds from the village got closer.  Gheorghe and Safta looked at each other. The smoke was thicker than usually. Their bright tearing eyes were acknowledging the penetrating smell of crushed onions. When they got closer a big smile lightened their wet, weathered faces. It was the unmistakable scent of smoked eggplants that nearly made them laugh. "I think it will be one of the best! Said Gheorghe making sure he still had the salt and the little bottle of oil in his rag bag. " No more babaganoush this year!" he said looking at Safta and  licking his lips.

4 medium sized eggplants
5 small white onions
1 medium sized Mongol cavalry squadron (Magyar will also do)
2 cups of vegetable oil
7 pinches of sea salt
1 medium sized Romanian hut ( stone base, wood structure)
1 bunch of weather-proof matches

(feeds a family of four and 2 guests)

Sag Harbor

September 21, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Age-n-DADA 2010
by Sasha Meret

Every four billion three hundred and twenty thousand years, right before the beginning of Kali-yuga, there is a massive intersection of near-missed entropic events, the envy of most of the malefic deities trapped in our universe. The flat representations of these, can be briefly visible if you ride the A line on the New York MTA and focus at the pages of an 7"x 3.5" organizer covering schedules for the year 2010, following the Augustine calendar. The pages have to be slightly see-through and the emerging grids coiling into each other will eventually breach the two-dimensional confines of their provenance and slip into the more comfortable three-dimensional mode. The convention is modeled after Vishnu's periodic attempts to deconstruct eternal boredom and reformat it as endless fun in shapes that defy conventional humor. The mediator executing this delicate task has to render in fifty two panels Vishnu's fifty two non-verbal apparitions as the Playful Grid Master reconfigured as Hyperspace Tokens. Each Token is valid for a round trip on any Hyperspace transportation system. The mediator is chosen randomly and this time his name was Sasha Meret.
The Simurgh - in Search of Divine Symmetry
by Sasha Meret 

The Concept of Divine Symmetry (CDS) was accidentally released into our world by Nicholas Veh, a Transylvanian late bloomer whose sole connection with math was a peculiar way of memorizing long sequences of numbers like credit cards' or any other's related to banking. The anecdotic version of it is that on August 18th, 2003, upon tinkering with Deleuze's fold while trying to decide what to wear, he foolishly applied it to a quantic dilemma format and managed to duplicate a case of symmetrical nonexistence. Hiding every manifestation of mindfulness under the adjacent folds, he removed himself from the contextual space-time continuum and that was the last anybody has heard or seen of him. It is rumored that he'd most likely attained that perpetual wave status – the fashionistas' Grail. This theory is so obscure that Wikipedia didn't catch yet in its proficient claws. Could CDS be formulated mathematically? No one has done it yet, so this question is valid. It is also big. Some fashion glitterati could call it the "The Quantum dimension of Glitter," a kind of "Ur-theory" whose purity and elegance make it capture the "deep essence" of the Fashion world. This strange theoretical brainstorm is an offspring from an article in The Scientific American by George Musser - "The Emperor, Darth Vader ad the Ultimate, Ultimate Theory of Physics". You may not have guessed, but it focuses on the Darth Vader Theory, "known formally as 'N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory'. The dark-lord comparison might lead you to believe the theory is irredeemably evil, but in fact theorists consider it their most sublime creation." Following their path, but against the grain, I am attempting to playfully apply Supersymmetry to Fashion. The idea is that Fashion as a viral phenomenon has its origin in a quantum dimension whose coordinates are not ordinary real numbers but a whole new class of concepts that can be thought of as the square roots of zero. (Yeah, that’s allowed in Fashion Quantum). Normally you can’t visualize it, let alone see it, but you can perceive Fashion indirectly: when you rotate an object from a quantum dimension into a ordinary dimension (like the space-time of human causes), the object changes what might have seemed to be its essential character – which was "nothing" – into "something" that ultimately manifests itself as 'matter" or a billion-worth business. In the same way a particle of force becomes a particle of matter, and vice versa. Thus supersymmetry shows that “fashion” and “matter” or "stuff" are not essential categories, but the same thing viewed differently. So in this manner a cloud of probabilities gathered from some obscure universe can materialize into a handful of glitter on a bizarre outfit that could baffle even an educated audience. The theory has the disadvantage of being unable to describe the real world; however, it is a theoretical physicists’ version of C. elegans, having a purity that makes it a convenient test-bed for conceptual experimentation. Wherefrom, The Simurgh project, or the search for Divine Symmetry. The unnerving thing about this theory is that fashion designers (maybe physicists, too) could think it exists even though nobody has ever written it down and I'm not even sure anybody could. In this, the Quantum Glitter Theory resembles that other creation of the mid-1990s: the M-theory, a theory whose existence seems to be implicit in string theory, even though physicists hem and haw when you ask what exactly it is. Both M-theory and the Quantum Glitter theory are physics' versions of an inchoate feeling you struggle to verbalize and the only word that comes to mind is FASHION. (Any connection to real math or physics is purely coincidental!) -Sasha Meret