Sunday, September 23, 2012

Romanian Eggplant Salad
(original recipe)

Gheorghe checked on the last details of his  preparations for the their yearly camping trip. He sighed with a worried look  and opened the back yard gate to let the animals free. One can never be too sure that everything is in place. Even with the best planning something  could always go wrong. The precious eggplants  were well hidden under the fire place. The onions nicely spread on the floor all over the hut. The matches in plain sight right  by the fence.  Everything seemed to be fine. Gheorghe threw the small rag bag with the few precious possessions they had  on his shoulder. Safta his wife grabbed the kids and they hurried towards the woods. The village seemed  awfully quiet as if it was the calm before the storm. Their hideout was deep in the forest where no one could find them. The trees were so thick sometimes that Gheorghe had to send the kids to scout for what was on the other side. Safta and the kids would crawl under the thick brush to gather mushrooms and look for berries. They slept in turns trying to stay as quiet as they could, sometimes covering the kids mouths when they were crying frightened. They had food just for a couple of days, but that was usually enough for things to be done. As deep as they would be hiding the sharp, ear- piercing yelps of the Mongols overtaking the village could be heard for miles. Holding your palms tightly pressed on the ground one could feel the earth trembling under the galloping horses of the  Mongols from far away. But it was the heavy smoke brought by the wind that would signal them that it was time to head back. The family gathered all they could carry and slowly  made their way towards the village, or to what was left of it.  Going back was always easier. The smoke was their guide and the wailing  sounds from the village got closer.  Gheorghe and Safta looked at each other. The smoke was thicker than usually. Their bright tearing eyes were acknowledging the penetrating smell of crushed onions. When they got closer a big smile lightened their wet, weathered faces. It was the unmistakable scent of smoked eggplants that nearly made them laugh. "I think it will be one of the best! Said Gheorghe making sure he still had the salt and the little bottle of oil in his rag bag. " No more babaganoush this year!" he said looking at Safta and  licking his lips.

4 medium sized eggplants
5 small white onions
1 medium sized Mongol cavalry squadron (Magyar will also do)
2 cups of vegetable oil
7 pinches of sea salt
1 medium sized Romanian hut ( stone base, wood structure)
1 bunch of weather-proof matches

(feeds a family of four and 2 guests)

Sag Harbor

September 21, 2012

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