Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Mirror

The Mirror

On a prime number month of a bisect year, in the narrow interval between any Thursday and Friday one can find the quantic prototype of the light bouncing device that we usually call a mirror.
Originally it was a dark pool of strange kind of particles that were activated when a confused Pre-Minoan deity spilled it all over the visible universe  -  therefore generating the myth of us, creatures made in the image of God. This first divine reflection must have been of a terribly poor quality for our physical  and psychological appearance is so faulty  that the only alternative to justify their existence is the entropic tendency of humor that terminated Homo Floresiensis and still survives in parts of Transylvania still confusing the authorities. Similarly the genesis of Fashion happened in the so called "angular memento"  or the vector quality of the irrational inertia of the body of a pre-Akkadian ruler who happened to die in front of a poorly polished piece of obsidian. The distorted flattering image was intercepted while traveling the interval between the mirror and the eyes of the deceased in the so called "vocational velocity" and materialized  in the sketches found in the Nicholas Veh estate .
 The angular memento in Fashion is the sum of angular mementos of the individual bodies that generate the irrational inertia . For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry (e.g. theblades of a ceiling fan), the angular momentum can be expressed as the product of the body's moment of irrational inertia, I, (i.e. a measure of a subject's resistance to changes in its rotation rate that throws it out of fashion ) and its vocational velocity ω:
F= I2W  (or: " I to double you" - the secret Transylvanian spell used in front of a mirror)
In this way,Fashion can be sometimes described (but it never is) as the rotational analog of linear memento ( a good explanation for the ritualistic "runway events").
Fashion as an angular memento is conserved in a system of warehouses or closets where there is no net external torque, and its conservation helps explain many diverse phenomena. For example, the increase in rotational speed of a spinning figure spender as the arms are contracted as a consequence of diminishing resources reflected in the angular memento or a low level checking account. The very high rotational rates of neutron stars can also be explained in terms of increased density of  angular mementos during Fashion week events that create amirror effect at a macro-cosmic scale.
The search for Divine Symmetry attempts to use the mirror as a portal, but the lofty quest fails every time as the photons carrying our luminous questions bounce back unanswered.  Thecold kind of  symmetry perceived is a short term adrenaline rush letting in its wake an unquenchable desire for more. The Mirror becomes a vehicle for deceit and a potent source for plausible superstitions. Fortunately the intelligent manifestation of light makes it a more palatable option, most users being unaware of the daunting content. The mirror continues to manifest itself differently in the two realms, more closely associated with quantum fashion and less with quantum physics.

The difference between traditional Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fashion is that in Fashion there is a possibility for both the wave and particle functions to collapse simultaneously like in the case of the Amazonian tribe named  Pirahãs for whom nudity and deity could mean the same thing.. Closer to home , in the case of the Burning Man Fest, though the wave function prevails in the copyright fights with the porn sites in  the post-fest faze.
The mathematical formulations of quantumfashion are abstract. A mathematical function called the wavefunction provides information about the probability amplitude of position, momentum, and other physical properties of an outfit or artifact in human interaction - social functions, media or solo in front of a mirror. Mathematical manipulations of the wavefunction usually involvethe bra-ket notation (more of a gender thing or for the transvestites), which requires an understanding of complex numbers -  the posible combinations with a set of given outfits and artifacts -  and linear functionals - like the time needed for trying them all. The wavefunction treats the object as a quantum harmonic oscillator (back and forth from the mirror), and the mathematics is akin to that describing acoustic resonance to the most common question: "How do I look?!". Many of the results of quantum fashion are not easily visualized in terms of classical mechanics—for instance, the ground state in a quantum fashion model is a non-zero energy state that is the lowest permitted energy state of a system  -  in lay terms that is you have to wear something, as opposed a more "traditional" system that is thought of as simply being at rest, with zero kinetic energy - that is when you just dream of wearing something. Instead of a traditional static, unchanging zero state, quantum fashion allows for far more dynamic, chaotic possibilities, according to Nicholas Veh.

Next chapter: from the Nicholas Veh notebooks. The use of shadow in quantum fashion and the mirror use as a negative shadow device.

New York
August 2012

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