Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Short Hronomian History

These are excerpts from Nicholas Veh's notes about one of his momentous intersections with the Hronomian Timeline discovered while uploading a posting to his Facebook page.

It was his first contact with Chian Kai that set it up, when he got his invite  to become friends on FaceBook.  Veh was always doing a routine checkup on any uninvited solicitation coming from the web. He would just check the "about" entries, mutual friends, eventually Google the name, etc. As it often happens, he draw a blank but hey, that was nothing unusual. However, the name, for sentimental reasons if not for anything else made him accept the invite. The resemblance with the name of the former Chinese leader and the night spent in Chiang Kai-shek's bedroom at the general's summer residence during one of his trips in Taiwan made Veh give it a try. From the very beginning Chin Kai was enthusiastic about Veh's art related postings. His comments seemed educated but the choice of words was at least strange. They started exchanging messages and with the increasing interest on both sides switched to chatting. What hit Nicholas most of all was Chian's incredible ignorance in history issues. Any reference of that kind would draw a blank. Again that wasn't exactly unusual,  especially in America, but when an obviously Asian person never heard of Kamikaze ...
Later on he found out that in the Hronomian timeline Kublai Khan attacked Japan a month earlier and the weather was marvelous for a landing...
It is commonly accepted among the Hronomian caste of shamans that, with the assumption of a divine intervention the first moment of The Genesis was preceded by a so called Delta Delay. The term imply that all signaling of a beginning be it "Fiat Lux" or whatever, occur with an infinitesimal delay. Technically for a divine maker a delta delay would not be measurable unit, but from a  practical perspective one would equate a delta delay with the smallest time unit one could measure. In contemporary Terrestrial terms that would be a femtoseond added to the beginning of the universe.  In the Hronomian Time Line it is called The Moment and it is the product of the ultimate quanta that is perpendicular on the unique reference point known as NOW. (A footnote in Veh's entry pointed to the traditional representation in a certain Terestrial religion of God's eye enclosed in a Delta sign.)
In the early eight hundreds (that is Hronim Time that starts in 1155 our timeline - the assumed date of birth of Genghis Khan) the Hronomians developed the concept of Momenteternity - an intensive exploration of the wave patterns in the widely common Hronomian practice of Total Dynamic Stillness. It was a kind of creatively induced mindfulness that would focus on the unfathomable aspects of a Moment.
The discipline of TDS allowed a vertical probing into a designated moment using the regressive tendency of a basic brain wave towards initial alter-state - the primordial particle. It is something like the opposite of the accelerated expansion of the universe, at a subatomic scale..
The Hronomians are a Temporeal culture  That means they manifest a tendency to shift the coordinates of their existence preferably  towards dwelling in a Time-Space continuum, where the manifestation of Time is physically prevalent and Space tends to recede into abstraction. They strive to develop a tri-directional time frame where in addition to past and future they would  focus on exploring the depth of the moment.
One of the most common practices was to bring oneself to such a creative frenzy that the intensity of the basic string vibrations would obliterate any connection with the common reference points of a conventional Terestrial  existence. The past and the future become irrelevant . Any time residue outside the Moment is devoured by the Hronovore covering the surrounding virtual space.

...Nicholas Veh, The Hrononaut discovered the point of entry into that enhanced Creative State of Mind that transforms the concept of exit into an entry =  a beginning,  point where from our Newtonian perspective the time stands still. The process of attaining that involves practices as non-referential mindfulness, catatonic event distinction and abepelaid interval constriction ( don't even bother asking what it means). 
Initially the Hronomians coexist in both Space-time and Time-space Continuums. 
The Ultimate Quest is to find the Personal Sublime Moment where any deed can be augmented to Cosmic proportions. The trove of a Sublime Moment is confirmed in a ceremonial custom named A-temporal Bridal Communion.  According to Nicholas Veh the courtship ritual for the Hronomians requires the capture of the Hronovore Beast that is inevitably lurking in the vicinity of any moment and use its hide as a part of the ceremonial outfit for the Bridal Ceremony. A successful hunter would be honored with the title Magister Momento - Master of the Moment and would have absolute control over the influence of his past or future in defining the intensity of his chosen Sublime Moment.

The ultimate accomplishment for a Hronomian is defining The Beginning of a Chosen Moment when his or hers physical presence is removed from the current Space-Time Continuum. A reminiscence of his Space related existence is displayed and celebrated by placing a Ceremonial Idol in The Shrine of Hronim. The Idol would be adorned with the hunting outfit worn at the time of The Ultimate Hunt and a slightly tridimensional replica of the captured Hronovore hide that is encoding the hunter's original history and possible futures.              
As expected,there isn't any accurate account of the actual time transgressions . The bits and pieces gathered in the Shrine's database are mostly notes left by Nicholas Veh.
Magister Momento stands beyond the equivalent of an Event Horizon - the all-absorbing moment acting as a Black Hole. Time loses all connection with any physical manifestations and reverts to the pure intelligence  of the very beginning that thought of it, the one preceding the Delta Delay.

Tempore Manducans Bestiae is a creature, for lack of a better word, known only in Time-Space Continuum. It is the only species listed under Hronovores, although that is strongly debatable in the Space-Time alternative. It's territory of activity is in the immediate vicinity of the Moment's Event Horizon. However there are known cases of territorial overlap in the presence of time-compression occurrences associated with Singularities.  The Hronovore confrontations are brutal and instant. There is no time value to the confrontation - not even a Delta Delay. In simpler terms it's a merger. Surprisingly the smaller specimen is usually taking over allegedly due to the creature's anatomy. The grid-like structures with powerful spiral patterns have been identified as similar the ones found in the human Cortex when nano layering it. The mirror finish of the Hronovore structure makes the hunting extremely difficult especially as their presence being detectable only through a parallel mirror device.

Nicholas Veh 
New York, October 2013

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