Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Dream Converter

Dreams remain an unfathomable enigma as far as their provenance or manner of controlling them.  Most likely a brand of subtle energy,  they touch our minds in unpredictable  ways with potentially dire consequences. However they are vital for our mental sanity and in high demand in the diverse aspects of our culture.  For such a reason there is a special caste of individuals capable of harnessing them and giving them a physical presence. They are the so called "dream converters" and one could find them active from Tasmania, Down Under all the way to Minsk, Belarus. Actually one of them - Artem Mirolevich is from Minsk and is currently churning dreams of every imaginable kind in the citadel of all dreams, New York City, where their density can mislead you to believe them for real.
What makes the Mirolevich brand of "dream converting"special is his quest for grandiose visions of almost apocalyptic intensity that are rendered with hallucinating detail. His uniqueness  relies in his capacity of exorcising evil from the most dramatic compositions replacing it with a dash if wit and humor.  Even his gigantic shark roaming above a submerged city  is having a mesmerizing attractive  effect on the viewer.
The real "Dream Converters" are a rare breed. If you find one keep close and share his vision.
The importance of what they are doing is such that no matter of how much they would be paid it still would seem they are working "pro bono".

Sasha Meret, New York, July 2013

Old Ship - Artem Mirolevich

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