Thursday, October 31, 2013


Clouds of Probabilities

Right before The Big Bang an ethereal humming was lingering in this so called Improbable Plane.
It could have been the echo of a previous failed attempt at Creation or the residue from a defective muffler from Multiverse X15, or something similar. Fact is that a while later, somewhere in Long Island City, Queens clusters of notes from that improbable source materialized on several sheets of Fabriano paper and a number of sizes of stretched Belgian linen and plywood panels. It was no accident, just another confirmation of Godel's Theory of Incompleteness, this time with pigments, alkyds and mineral spirits. The alchemist in charge, Massimo Kaufman armed with a set of flat brushes and eyedroppers released the elusive harmonies from their immaterial condition to the delight of privileged eyes. Entropy, marching orchestras, stellar ecosystems, Zappa's histrionics converge in a new Braille alphabet for the forbidden pleasures. We are looking at a multiple-layered map where intuition meets control and chemistry and physics blend with poetry. It looks as if an imaginary conversation with a mesmerized audience has been taking place. The audience is asking Massimo to add more and more of the magical dots to his canvas. But he knows better when to stop. One droplet in excess and the whole order of the universe might become disrupted.

Nicholas Veg
May 2010, New York

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